- In 2009, in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Green Development and the Asia Foundation, organized making of a documentary on mining reclamation with a book titled “Reclamation Demystified”
- In 2010 organized study tours for five province governers and policy makers to study water management in Californa
- In 2011, with support of USAID regional office, organized protection of water resources, produced a documentary film “Ten Springs” (for more information TenSprings_report.pdf)
- In 2019, with support of EU, conducted survey and training for young entrepreneurs in management of environmental resources for agriculture/food production in 16 soums of Tuv aimag and 17 soums of Bulgan aimag
- The Mitchell Foundation team was in charge of the UN SDG13 part of civil society reports of the first National Voluntary Report to UN High level meeting (for more information JointCSOReportSDG_Final.pdf )
- In 2021, with support of UNESCO and the People-in-Need, organized Youth Eco summit in 5 aimags – for more information – https://www.youth.mn/18/21